Become a Sponsor
Why Sponsor?
Get your name and services in front of the largest annual gathering of dairy goat farmers anywhere in the USA. A wide variety of sponsorships are available ranging from $25 – $2,500 and up. Attendees have consistently numbered between 400 to 600 or more dairy goat owners and spectators to this 7-day event generating nearly one million dollars of revenue for the surrounding businesses and vendors. Sponsors are recognized throughout the show by announcements during each class and at the Awards Program and the conclusion of the show. All sponsorships have the potential to boost your business and prestige among dairy goat owners and breeders.
The ADGA National Show is produced each year in partnership with a local host group and the American Dairy Goat Association (ADGA). The local host group may have sponsorships that are separate from the American Dairy Goat Association. The sponsorship information on this page only represents the application and privileges of sponsors through the American Dairy Goat Association.
National Show Major Sponsors
National Show Major Sponsors receive the most prominent exposure to National Show visitors. Most come with large vendor spaces. See the individual sponsor levels below:
$4000 and up – DIAMOND ELITE
*Premium Signage; Name & Logo Featured in Livestreaming; ADGA National Show Website Link; Free Commercial Vendor Space (up to 6 spaces).
$2500-$3999 – PLATINUM
Premium Signage; Name & Logo Featured in Livestreaming; ADGA National Show Website Link; Free Commercial Vendor Space (up to 5 spaces).
$1500-$2499 – GOLD
Premium Signage; ADGA National Show Website Link; Free Commercial Vendor Space (up to 4 spaces).
$1000-$1499 – SILVER
Variety of Signage: ADGA National Show Website Link; Free Select Vendor Space (two spaces).
$500-$999 – BRONZE
Various Name/Logo Acknowledgements; ADGA National Show Website Link; Free Select Vendor Space (one space).
$250-$499 – FRIEND
ADGA National Show Website Link.
Award Sponsors
ADGA has many classes available, ranging in contributions from $25 to $100. This is a great way to advertise your farm or business and it helps ADGA offset the cost of the National Show. Sponsors are recognized throughout the show by announcements during each class and at the Awards Program at the conclusion of the show. All award sponsors are also published on this website. Award Sponsors from the previous year have the first opportunity to sponsor the same award the following year.
To start the process of sponsoring an award, view the open opportunities on the Award Sponsor page. Please use the form at the end of this page to submit your request.
Please Note: Award Sponsor spots will be reserved for five business days until payment is made through the online application. Please upload the appropriate funds to your cart. After the payment period has passed, the award spot will reopen.
Youth Award Sponsors
Many opportunities exist to support the future of ADGA and celebrate their achievements while promoting your business, farm or association. Consider sponsoring a youth representative, a breed, contest, ribbon or one of the many youth events held during National Show. Youth Sponsors from the previous year have the first opportunity to sponsor the same award the following year.
To start the process of sponsoring a youth award, view the open opportunities on the Award Sponsor page. Please use the form at the end of this page to submit your request.
Please Note: Award Sponsor spots will be reserved for five business days until payment is made through the online application. Please upload the appropriate funds to your cart. After the payment period has passed, the award spot will reopen.