Youth Exhibitors

Youth Contest Results

General Rules for Participation

  1. Participant must be no older than 20 years of age on July 12, 2025.
  2. All ages for classes will be determined by the youth’s age on July 12, 2025.
  3. All participants will be required to provide a completed participation form and have a designated adult guardian present at the show.
  4. Youth for the Quality Care of Animals ( certification is REQUIRED for all participants.
  5. Youth are expected to conduct themselves in a manner appropriate for a show. Please take into account that other people and animals are present, and no conduct dangerous to these people or animals will be allowed.
  6. Use of alcohol or illegal drugs by youth participants is strictly forbidden. If a youth is found to be drinking alcoholic beverages or using illegal drugs, the youth may be dismissed from all youth activities.
  7. A youth need not be exhibiting animals in the open show to participate in the youth events.
  8. All judgments of the National Youth Activities Committee are final.
  9. There are no entry fees for any youth show activities.

Youth Orientation Meeting 

July 12, 2025 – Saturday, 2:00 PM

  1. This will be the close of entries. All participants should attend.
  2. If you are unable to be present at this meeting, please contact the committee ahead of time
  3. The meeting place will be at the show ring

YQCA Requirement

All youth participants at the 2025 National Show Youth Events will be required to have completed either a) the age-appropriate Youth for the Quality Care of Animals ( yqcaprogram.orgOR b) a similar training program approved by the youth’s state 4-H or FFA program that provides quality care training. When registering for the youth events the youth can either input their YQCA Certificate Number (available on the printable certificate that they are provided upon completion of the certification) or a copy of the certificate of completion for their state 4-H/FFA approved training program.

YQCA Program

Youth Forms and Information

Please read the following documents before registering for the National Show. The Youth Permission form must be completed BEFORE arriving at the National Show.

Youth Rules
Youth Entry Memo
Read Before Entering
Youth Permission Form
(All youth Exhibitors)
Youth Activities Committee
Chairman’s Letter

Youth Contests

Classes :
Juniors (ages 14 and under) and Seniors (ages 15-20)


  1. Contest will consist of questions relating to dairy goat management, health, equipment, feeds, hay and judging.
  2. The judging portion will consist of several classes of animals (4 goats per class).
  3. The seniors may be asked to give one set of reasons if time allows. (These reasons would be given without the animals standing in front of you.)
  4. The official placings of the judging contest will be from a panel of ADGA Licensed Judges and their judgment will be final.
  5. There will be no talking allowed between participants. Any-one seen talking during the contest will be disqualified.
  6. The questions on health and nutrition will be written by individuals trained in these areas (e.g., veterinarians and nutritionists) and their judgments will be final.
  7. An award will be presented to the highest scoring individual in each division. The placings will be announced at the end of the week at the awards ceremony.

Juniors (10 & Under)
Intermediate I (Ages 11-3)
Intermediate II (Ages 14-16)
Seniors (Ages 17-20


  1. All animals must have proper health papers and be entered either as a showmanship animal or in the open show.
  2. You do not have to show an animal that you own.
  3. Judging criteria as per the ADGA Guidebook (see ADGA Showmanship Scorecard).
  4. Ribbons will be awarded to 10th place, with a chair for 1st place in each of the four classes. (All entrants will receive a participation ribbon).


  1. Each team consists of four members, ages 20 and under.
  2. Remember! Each Team will be expected to bring an intermediate or senior standard breed kid for fitting
  3. It is highly recommended that whites be worn.
  4. One electrical outlet will be provided for each team.
  5. Each team must provide their own clippers. Only one set of clippers may be in use at any one time (i.e., one small set OR one large set; NOT one of each size).
  6. No clipper blades smaller than a #10 are allowed. Fitting materials may consist of a dry clean solution. alcohol, and/or five gallons of water. (If you have any questions concerning what you can use, please ask for clarification at the youth meeting).
  7. Hooves are presumed to be trimmed. Knives and hoof polish are not allowed.
  8. No more than ONE of the doe’s feet may be off the ground at any time.
  9. The duration of the contest is 30 minutes.
  10. At the end of the contest (when 30 minutes is up) the animal must be presented to the judges. When time is called, you must stop everything.
  11. Tarps may be no larger than 12×12
  12. Scorecard – Appearance of Dairy Goat

Judging Criteria

Possible Points

Trimming (pre vs. post)

15 Points

Cleanliness of Animal (pre vs. post)

25 Points


25 Points

Group Effort & Coordination

15 Points

Handling of goat while trimming

15 Points

Clean up of work area (throughout contest)

5 Points

Total Possible Points

100 Points